Dr. Maksym Vakulenko
Institute of Problems of Artificial Intelligence
CV: Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Problems of Artificial Intelligence, Kyjiv (Kiev), Ukraine.
Hirsch index: h = 12 (Google Scholar).
Scholarly interests: Phonetics, Transliteration, Terminology Science, Semantics.
Presenting about:
The Ukrainian transliteration standard DSTU 9112:2021 “Cyrillic-Latin transliteration and Latin-Cyrillic retransliteration of Ukrainian texts. Writing rules”: on Ukraine’s way to the European Community
Abstract: From 01 April 2022, the national standard DSTU 9112:2021 (NEQ ISO 9: 1995) comes into force: “Cyrillic-Latin transliteration and Latin-Cyrillic retransliteration of Ukrainian texts. Writing rules.” The standard was proposed and developed by specialists of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine and the Technical Committee 144 “Information and Documentation.” This standard applies not only to bibliographic records but also to all Ukrainian texts from the 10th century to the present day, including proper names. So, we have every legal reason to reproduce the Ukrainian letter “?” not in the Russian manner (Kyiv, Ukraina), but according to the history, phonetics, and grammar of the Ukrainian language: Ky?v, Ukra?na (system A), Kyjiv, Ukrajina (system B). We have the transliteration rules that ensure the complete equivalence of Cyrillic and Latin writings. This standard is highly important in view of recent EU decisions on Ukraine, as Ukrainian will soon, along with other European languages, take its rightful place in multilingual natural language processing scenarios, including machine translation.