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Dr. Svitlana Tarasenko

Dr. Svitlana Tarasenko is a postdoc researcher at Sumy State University, Ukraine. From 2020 to 2022 she coordinated the projects “GAMEON - The Introduction Journey to the Game Industry for NEETs”, “KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for Youth, Erasmus, Poland” and “Patostreaming - Counteracting pathological cyber streaming attitudes amongst youth KA205, Strategic Partnerships Youth, Erasmus, Poland” in Ukraine. As of now, she coordinates and mentors the project “AI for Everyone, House of Europe” and the “UNIDO/GEF” project. Her scientific interests include industry policy, innovations, health care economy, sustainable development and international business. Tarasenko speaks Ukrainian, Russian and English. She is learning German at the moment.

Presenting about:

Industrial policy in Context of Sustainable Development and Industry 4.0

Abstract: Industrialization remains the main path of the country's development. It allows creating and developing opportunities to be successful in the new technological paradigm. Industrialization is determined by industrial policy and correlate with Sustainable Development Goal, 9 - industry, innovations, infrastructure. Accordingly, the achievement of sustainable development and the SDG 9 are directly related to the formation of the country's industrial policy.

At the same time, the industry is now in transitional stage of formation and development, i.e. new technologies of Industry 4.0 are already available, but their diffusion into production processes have just begun. It needs to construct new system of industrial policy.

Purpose: to determine components of industrial policy in context of sustainable development and Industry 4.0.

Research methods: formal logic, dynamic and comparative analysis.

Results and conclusion. Achievement of sustainable development and the SDG 9 deal with formation of the country's industrial policy.

Country’s Competitive Industrial Performance Index positive correlated with manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP.

Share of medium‐ and high tech exports in total manufacturing exports as important factor of country’s industrial position (example of Germany) can be eliminated low tech manufacturing value added (example of China). So there are different ways of industrial policy for construction competitive country’s industrial position.

Components of Industrial Policy in Context of Sustainable Development and Industry 4.0 are:

  1. Transformation drivers: convergence of technologies and diffusion of innovations;
  2. Global value chains;
  3. Labour productivity in manufacturing, innovation support system, startups support system, technologies of the sixth technological pathway;
  4. Flexible, service-oriented production based on CPS, the Internet of Things, eco-technologies, digital intelligence, high-tech goods and services;
  5. Moral and ethical factor of senior management.