Yelyzaveta Budakva

Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-Industrial Production of the NAAS

CV: My name is Yelyzaveta Budakva. I am PhD student and a junior researcher at the genetics laboratory of the Institute of Pig Breeding and Agro-Industrial Production of the NAAS. As part of the direction of the thesis “Association of DNA markers for the performance of native and immunologically castrated pigs” according to the working program F. Investigate the pleiotropic effect gens whose SNP is used in marker-associated pig breeding, special attention is paid to the study: creation of a reference base of reference haplotypes of the mitochondrial genome of hybrid pigs to explain the origin and migration of cross-border pig breeds in Ukraine; search for the association of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes with QTL markers by phenotypic characteristics, indicating the economic value.

Presentation title: Creation of a reference base of reference haplotypes of the mitochondrial genome of the final pig hybrids to explain the origin and migration of cross-border pig breeds in Ukraine

Abstract: According to research by many scientists in the world - the data indicate that pigs were independently domesticated in many countries around the world. However, data on the origin and migration of domesticated pigs in east Asia and cross-border breeds and lines of pigs in Ukraine are still not enough. Phylogenetic analysis was performed in hybrid pigs by screening specific haplotype mutational motifs, pig mtDNA sequences derived from the phylogenetic tree. The use of mtDNA phylogenomic analysis of cross-border breeds of pigs is a reliable tool for determining the origin of hybrid pigs. Since the genetic diversity of mtDNA subspecies of wild and domesticated pigs is limited by the existing lines, one haplotype of the mitochondrial genome does not indicate a specific breed, due to the fact that several breeds have the same haplotype mtDNA. This suggests that research should focus on the classification and identification of the phylogenetic origin of cross-border breeds of hybrid pigs. I believe that the "hybrid" subspecies of wild pigs with some morphological features of a domesticated pig had a higher proportion of full-genome ancestors of domestic pigs compared to the morphologically pure subspecies of wild pigs. In particular, subspecies of European and Asian wild pigs are the pro-maternal basis on the maternal line, which preceded the domestication and breeding of cross-border breeds of hybrid pigs. However, due to the small amount of sample size and the limited expansion of phylogeny based on partial D-loop sequences of mtDNA of pigs a detailed picture of the origin and migration of cross-border pig breeds has become an interest in the development of to the development of a service base of reference haplotypes of the mitochondrial genome of cross-border swine breeds in Ukraine.