Thursday, September 8, 2022
08.09.2022 | 09:00 - 09:30 (German Time) | 10:00 - 10:30 (Ukrainian Time)

Main Lane
Greeting and Information
Prof. Dr. Carmen Bachmann
Prof. Dr. Maryna Kabanets
Johannes Gebhardt
08.09.2022 | 09:30 - 11:00 (German Time) | 10:30 - 12:00 (Ukrainian Time)

Main Lane
Funding Opportunities
Research funding and institutional cooperation with Ukraine (DFG)
Mechthild Köhler
Funding Programmes of the Alexander Humboldt Foundation
Frank Albrecht
Presentation of the National Academic Contact Point Ukraine within the DAAD and current funding perspectives of the DAAD
Stephanie Knobloch
08.09.2022 | 11:00 - 12:15 (German Time) | 12:00 - 13:15 (Ukrainian Time)

Lane 1
Best Practice Collaborations in Medicine, Sports and Education
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Ines Eben von Racknitz
Chance for Science: Ukrainian-German Neonatal Cooperation
Prof. Dr. Anastasiya Babintseva
Network on evidence-based physical activity in old age (PhysAgeNet)
Prof. Dr. Iuliia Pavlova / Prof. Dr. Michael Brach
Ukrainian - German Teaching Collaboration
Prof. Dr. Maryna Kabanets / Prof. Dr. Roland Happ
The benefits of joint investment and implementation of socially responsible projects to support Ukrainians affected by the war
Iurii Gordiichuk

Lane 2
Law in Ukraine during the war
Session Leader: Olga Shenk
Ukraine: genesis and risks of preferential wartime tax policy
Prof. Dr. Yuriy Ivanov / Dr. Vlada Karpova
Protection of proprietary, political and socio-economic rights of Ukrainian citizens in the conditions of war with Russia
Prof. Dr. Nina Didenko
Labor law of civil servants during martial law
Viktoriia Tiutiunnyk
Russian-Ukrainian War: the challenges for the criminal justice of Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Iryna Hloviuk

Lane 3
Session Leader: Dr. Mauricio Hunsche
Convergent recovery of Ukrainian agriculture through integration into European markets
Dr. Andriy Popovych
Creation of a reference base of reference haplotypes of the mitochondrial genome of the final pig hybrids to explain the origin and migration of cross-border pig breeds in Ukraine
Yelyzaveta Budakva
The Cultivation of Energy Crops on reclaimed Minelands to get Biofuel and Biomaterials
Prof. Dr. Mykola Kharytonov
Bacillus Subtilis Influence on the Formation of Sunflower Rhizosphere Microbiota
Yana Rylska
The impact of the export potential of the agricultural sector of Ukraine on world food security
Prof. Dr. Oksana Okhrimenko

Lane 4
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Irena Kogan
Change of the young generation values during the war in Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Tetyana Blyznyuk
Designing Sociological Research in Wartime: Key Emphasis
Prof. Dr. Kateryna Mykhaylyova
Actual problems of organizing the creative activities of cadets in Ukraine under martial law
Vitalii Naida
Adherence to conspiracy theories as a factor in decreasing political consensus in society
Denis Ratushniy

Lane 5
Students of Computer Science: NLP
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Peter Fettke
Ukrainian NLP: Usage of regular Expressions in Texts
Oleh Smysh
NLP: creating search engine for job vacancies
Oleksandra Zolotarevych
Ukrainian NLP: creating a CV parser
Dmytro Parnak
Ukrainian NLP: parser development for recipe structuring
Yana Buha

08.09.2022 | 12:15 - 13:30 (German Time) | 13:15 - 14:30 (Ukrainian Time)

Lane 1
Medicine - Current Cancer Research
Session Leader: Anna Fleischer
The Histoarchitectural Features of the Tumor Microenvironmentin Patients with Prostate Cancer with different Risk Progression
Dr. Taras Zadvornyi
Association of MMP-8 Gene Expression and its regulatory Molecules with Clinical Pathological Features of Prostate Cancer
Dr. Tetiana Borikun
Optimization of early diagnosis of pituitary tumors taking into account hormonal and metabolic disorders and genetic component
Roman Nikolaiev

Lane 2
Law Studies
Session Leader: Dr. Friedrich Wöhlecke
Approximation of EU Criminal Law to UA legislation
Prof. Dr. Viacheslav Tuliakov
Territoriality as a problem of legal ethology
Serhii Skurikhin
Case law as a source of law in the field of criminal procedure in Romano-Germanic legal tradition
Nataliia Skidan
Legal challenges and war reality, Ukrainians should not mislead themselves
Prof. Dr. Sergiy Panasyuk

Lane 3
Water Research & Food Chemistry
Session Leader: Dr. Veronika Zhiteneva
Water Quality for Ukrainian Agriculture: View of a Chemist
Dr. Larysa Voitenko
Buzky Liman Sapropel Sludge as a Bio-Raw Material for Eco-Technologies
Prof. Dr. Liudmila Grygorieva
Water purification from cocci and bacillus cells
Prof. Dr. Iryna Koval

Lane 4
Educational Research
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Hannes Saas
Guided Meditation in Foreign Language Teaching of Students from War-Affected Areas
Dr. Natalia Marakhovska
Ukrainian higher education: teaching and learning during russian invasion
Dr. Viktoriia Tkachuk
Digital tools in education: collaboration between Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and KNEU
Prof. Kateryna Kovtoniuk
Chornobyl educational hub
Anastasiia Torianik

Lane 5
Computer Science
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Rainer Alt
Creation of a real-time highly reliable computer system based on using a non-positional number system in residual classes
Prof. Alina Yanko
Bayesian Strategy of Collective Decision-Making for Credit Scoring Problem
Dr. Olga Zhukovska
System approach for Financial Risks modelling of Green projects
Prof. Dr. Nataliia Kuznietsova
Data breach as a priority personal data protection issue
Yehor Yevsieieiv

08.09.2022 | 13:30 - 14:30 (German Time) | 14:30 - 15:30 (Ukrainian Time)

Main Lane
Ukrainian Research System in the Context of the War
Dr. Olga Polotska
Scholar Support Office (SSO)
Dr. Olesia Vashchuk
08.09.2022 | 14:30 - 15:45 (German Time) | 15:30 - 16:45 (Ukrainian Time)

Lane 1
Medicine, Biomedicine and Health
Session Leader: Dr. Stephanie Finzel
Investigation of single-nucleotide polymorphisms association in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Tetiana Tyzhnenko
Sex Differences in the Development of Diabetic Cardiovascular Complications in Rats
Dr. Olha Ivanova
Biomedical Research in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine): The Role of Immune Cells in Obesity
Dr. Iryna Kompanets

Lane 2
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Gregor Weiß
Models and Methods of Analysis of Self – Similar Network Traffic
Dr. Ihor Ivanisenko
Research of the influence of banking capitalization on the level of money laundering as an economic destabilizing factor
Alina Yefimenko
Time Consequence for Business Performance Indicators
Dr. Yurii Derevianko
Experimental study of a behavioural model for motivating consumer choice of clean energy
Andrii Kytaiev

Lane 3
Agriculture, Food & Information Technology
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Thomas Döring / Dr. Oleksandr Perekhozhuk
New Safe Confinement of Chornobyl NPP as an experimental field for biological research
Dr. Olena Pareniuk
Consequences of military aggression: risks to the global food security
Dr. Oksana Kushnirenko
The Innovative Computer-Integrated Technologies for Agricultural Enterprises: Current Results and Research Prospects
Dr. Ivan Laktionov
Control authorities in the EU organic sectore - analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of legislation
Prof. Ganna Gubina

Lane 4
Sociology & Education
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Manuel Förster
(Post)imperial space and its transformations: from the war in Ukraine to social protests around the world
Ruslan Zaporozhchenko
Far but close: solo-living and long-distance relationships
Daria Yashkina
Science Content in TV News Coverage of Environmental Issues
Dr. Olha Harmatiy
Possible trends: The influence of post-traumatic syndrome on the development of relationships between internal stakeholders of the university education sector
Prof. Dr. Kateryna Astakhova

Lane 5
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Peter Fettke
QR + 3D
Dr. Iurii Lukianchuk
--Will be formulated later--
Dr. Alexey Dubinsky
New intelligent methods for traffic management
Prof. Dr. Julia Yamnenko
Implementation of a Digital Twin Concept in manufacturing and operating of heavy industrial products
Sergii Kozlov

08.09.2022 | 15:45 - 17:00 (German Time) | 16:45 - 18:00 (Ukrainian Time)

Lane 1
Medicine (Virus Research, cycstic fibrosis and axial spondyloarthritis)
Session Leader: Dr. Stephanie Finzel
Pathomorfologycal characteristic of granulematosis injury of patients with HIV
Dr. Serhii Baran
Primary Health Care Optimization for Coronavirus (SARS-coV-2) Infectious Disease Patients using a patient-centered approach
Nataliia Lerman
Risk factors of syndesmophytes formation and loss of bone mineral density in Ukrainian population with axial spondyloarthritis
Dr. Anastacia Sytenko

Lane 2
Global Crisis and Ukraine War
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius / Prof. Dr. Lorenz Adrian
The War in Ukraine: Global Environmental Consequences
Dr. Nataliia Gakhovych
Energy independence of the EU countries and Ukraine
Dr. Kateryna Kopishynska
Ukrainian harvest 2022 and global food security

Lane 3
Educational Research and Digitalization
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Josef Guggemos
Creating web application for supporting communication between students and teachers
Marharyta Budenkova
The use of robotic devices in preschool classes: first step in coding
Ihor Bushchak
Perspective Soft Skills for Future Professionals of Maritime Transport in 2022-2030
Olha Demchenko
YouTube - project for people with disablitieies "LOOK&SEE SHOW"
Selbi Kullykova

Lane 4
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Olaf Bärenfänger
The Notion "Popularity" in the Entertainment Discourse
Dr. Yuliia Skrynnik
Language and Identity: Fight for recognition and independence (dictionaries of minority languages as a means of language and identity preserving and formation)
Viktoriia Lemeshchenko-Lagoda
How Translators Play Games and Win
Olha Pieshkova

Lane 5
Business and Law
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Silke Hüsing
Directions of the development of the modern Ukrainian industry
Prof. Dr. Tetyana Skrypko
Digital accounting in Ukraine
Prof. Hanna Holovchak
The first international agreement
Kateryna Zvierieva
Methods of Preventing and Overcoming Crisis Situations
Kristina Sukhetska

08.09.2022 | 17:00 - 17:15 (German Time) | 18:00 - 18:15 (Ukrainian Time)

Closing of Day 1
Prof. Dr. Carmen Bachmann
Friday, September 9, 2022
09.09.2022 | 09:00 - 09:30 (German Time) | 10:00 - 10:30 (Ukrainian Time)

Greeting and Information
Prof. Dr. Carmen Bachmann
Prof. Dr. Maryna Kabanets
Johannes Gebhardt
09.09.2022 | 09:30 - 10:30 (German Time) | 10:30 - 11:30 (Ukrainian Time)

Main Lane
Dr. Michael E. Rose
Dr. Oksana Seumenicht
09.09.2022 | 10:30 - 11:45 (German Time) | 11:30 - 12:45 (Ukrainian Time)

Lane 1
Medicine, Digitalization and innovative Technologies
Session Leader: Dr. Rasmus Engels / Dr. Solomiya Kyyak
Intellectual analysis (data mining), processing, and modeling of biomedical signals, databases, and information for clinical decisions support
Dr. Olha Dvornyk
Redesigning accessibility of innovative care: improving where it matters, new is not always better, imaging on the noise
Dr. Oleksandra V. Ivashchenko
Vitrification of Tissue Engineered Constructs (Alginate Microspheres, Spheroids) based on mesenchymal Stromal Cells
Dr. Natalia Trufanova

Lane 2
Business, Econonomics & Sustainability
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Karina Sopp
Sustainable Regional Development: Evidence from Ukraine on Panel Data
Dr. Larysa Zomchak
Clean-energy transformations and the effects on the sustainability of regional economies and social-ecological systems
Dr. Olha Lukash
Theory and methodology for designing sustainable and self-organizing systems
Dr. Tatiana Yegorova-Gudkova

Lane 3
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Kaske
An informational approach to translation of Chinese characters
Dr. Nadiia Kirnosova
Linguistic indexation of media texts: structural approach
Liudmyla Vlasiuk
Web Dictionary of Ukrainian Feminine Personal Nouns: from tradition to innovations
Dr. Olena Synchak
Strategies and Procedures for Fiction Simile Translation from Cognitive Perspective
Elvira Akhmedova

Lane 4
History, Literary Studies and Arts
Session Leader: Dr. Massih Zekavat
The Holocaust Trauma and Autobiographism in Ida Fink`s and Charlotte Delbo`s Stories
Anastasiia Mikhieieva
Narratives of the Occupational Press in Odessa 1942-44, on the example of the magazine "Molva"
Prof. Dr. Iryne Druzhkova
Historical-cultural and lighting context of artistic education in the beginning of the 20th century
Prof. Dr. Tetyana Panyok

Lane 5
Materials Science
Session Leader: Dr. Daniel Reiche
Modelling mechanical excitin in foam polymers based Cosserat elasticity
Prof. Dr. Olena Mikulich
Problems of vehicle routing when using unmanned aerial vehicles
Iryna Norba
The parameters analysis of the obtained and created alkaline and acid means effective using for daily industry equipment
Dr. Nataliia Senenko
Homogenization methos for composite materials, porous media and possible modeling of photonic crystals
Dr. Gennadiy Sandrakov

09.09.2022 | 11:45 - 13:00 (German Time) | 12:45 - 14:00 (Ukrainian Time)

Lane 1
Session Leader: Dr. Franziska Reinhardt
Psychological view to the personality determinants of Ukrainians’ post-war economic resocialization
Dr. Nataliia Dembytska
Features of the change in the emotional sphere of the civilian population in the context of the outbreak of military actions in the state
Iraliia Moisieienko
Child-parent relations as a factor victimizing adolescents wirh disabilities
Oksana Verkhovod

Lane 2
Business, Economy & the war
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Gunther Schnabl
Russian aggression and forced migration in Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Zinaida Smutchak
Structural modernization for the sustainable development of Ukraine's economy under military aggression
Prof. Dr. Marianna Kichurchak
Rational Financial Behaviour Patterns at Social Extremes (on the Example of Russia's Genocide in Ukraine 2022)
Dr. Anatoly Litvinov
Ensuring the Principles of Sustainable Development International Marketing in the Conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian War
Dr. Serhii Kasian

Lane 3
Educational Research & Management
Session Leader: Dr. Christin Siegfried
Management of a non-formal adult education institution
Olga Nakonechna
Road map of implementation of a dual form of education in higher education institutions
Olesia Kanash
Stakeholder approach in economic-organizational management of higher education and lifelong education aimed to reduce labor migration in Ukraine
Veronika Barvinok
Virtual visit to Northwestern University (USA): comprehension of the experience
Prof. Dr. Oleksandra Borodiyenko

Lane 4
Session Leader Prof. Dr. Magnus Resch
Development trends of Blacksmith`s Craft based on the results of international Festival "Viato Kovaliv" in Ivano-Frankivsk
Prof. Iryna Matolich
Models für spatial sound design in exhibitions
Nikita Halych
The transit zone of the pandemic
Iryna Baltaziuk
Multimodal stylistic devices in Cartoons as powerful tools for depicting the present war in Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Larysa Makaruk

Lane 5
Condensed Matters Physics/Materials Science
Session Leader Dr. Daniel Reiche
Merging nanophotonics and optical fibers: giant enhancement of light collection into nanustuctured optical fiber
Dr. Oleh Yermakov
Three-dimensional holographic optical elements based on new microsystems
Dr. Oleksandr Akhmerov
Redeposition of Sodium Uranate in the Pore Space of Lava-Like Fuel-Containing materials of ChNPP Unit 4
Dr. Igor Zhyganiuk

09.09.2022 | 13:00 - 14:00 (German Time) | 14:00 - 15:00 (Ukrainian Time)

09.09.2022 | 14:00 - 15:15 (German Time) | 15:00 - 16:15 (Ukrainian Time)

Lane 1
Medicine & Biological Chemistry
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Dennis Häckl / Dr. Gielisch
Role of redox sensitive transcriptional factors ?B and AP-1 in fluoride induced changes in nitric oxide cycle in rat gastric mucosa
Dr. Oleh Akimov
Some peculiarity of people’s adaptation during a long stay in the Antarctica
Dr. Dmytro Lutsenko
Allergological and immunological parallels of allergic rhinitis in preschool children
Dr. Iryna Hlohush
Mathematical Methods and intelligent Computer Tools for Analysis and Interpretation of cyclical Signals in Digital Medicine
Prof. Dr. Leonid Fainzilberg

Lane 2
Business & Economics
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Anja Geigenmüller / Philipp Brüggemann
Social Responsibility of Ukrainian Business
Prof. Dr. Alona Tiurina
The Key Approaches to Designing Business Ecosystem
Prof. Dr. Yurii Hrinchenko
Trademark as an innovative tool of war
Tetiana Paliienko
Industial Policy and Societal Readiness Level
Dr. Svitlana Tarasenko

Lane 3
Educational Research
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Josef Guggemos
Professional Burnout Management among Teachers, Who Live Near the Front-Line Zone in the East of Ukraine
Prof. Andriy Girnyk
The study of personal preferences of applicants in process of choosing an educational institution using social networks
Chrystyna Kovalska
Transferring changes in the labor market to the content of higher professional training
Dr. Nataliia Sas
Personality Oriented and Pragmatic Approaches in Realization of Journalism English Integrated Learning
Dr. Iryna Levchyk

Lane 4
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Stefan Rohdewald
The Monarchist Counter-Revolution in Central and Eastern Europe: Definition, Geographical Frame, Chronology
Dmytro Bondarenko
Not only horns and hooves: waste recycling in Ukraine in the 1920s-1930s
Dr. Tetiana Perga
Special Topics of Ukraine Scholars
Chance for Ukrainian Scientists and scholarships
Prof. Ellana Molchanova
Challenges facing theological education in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war: a paradigm shift.
Dr. Valentin Siniy

Lane 5
Applied issues of Ecology
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Adrian
Application of mobile geophysical methods for searching and exploration of natural hydrogen and their industrial accumulations
Dr. Arzu Javadova
Dr. Nataliia Maksiuta
Biological Reclamation and Decontamination of components of Technical Ecosystems
Prof. Dr. Liudmila Grygorieva

09.09.2022 | 15:15 - 16:30 (German Time) | 16:15 - 17:30 (Ukrainian Time)

Lane 1
Biology and Biochemistry
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Adrian
Postbiotic products as functional food ingredients
Dr. Antonia Kapustian
Estimation Efficiency of Amphiphilic Compounds in a Model Experiment and Deglycerolization of frozen thawed Erythocytes
Dr. Olena Chabanenko
The fullerene C70 colloidal properties: aggregation, coalgulation
Mykyta Marfunin
Antimicrobial susceptibility of the pathogens associated with cystic fibrosis
Dr. Oksana Ishchenko

Lane 2
Business & Economics
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Vivian Carstensen
Modeling of irrational behaviour of economic agents in commodity market
Dr. Glib Mazhara
Economic potential growth of development company through fuzzy set theory utilization in real estate price management
Andrii Rosynskyi
Formation of marketing pricing policy of construction industry enterprises in conditions of economic cyclicality
Dr. Olha Skrypnyk

Lane 3
Educational Research
Session Leader: Dr. Sarah Nell-Müller
Digital design trends and their impact on the professional training of designers
Prof. Kateryna Osadcha
Quantificial assessing the interdisciplinary of various research fields on base of categorized papers in Dimensions
Prof. Dr. Serhiy Shtovba
Studying at Ukrainian Medical University in English
Dr. Tetiana Krushynska
Types of assignments recommended during RDM practice training for PhD students in Ukraine
Dr. Svitlana Chukanova

Lane 4
Ukraine after the war: Rebuilding, digitalization and space security
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Melanie Krause
Digizalization as a key driver of postwar Ukraine`s reconstruction
Prof Iryna Sheiko
Fundamentals for the Implementation of Space Activities for Security and Defense
Prof. Svitlana, Zoryana Koshova, Hbur
The scientific concept of the post-war revival of Ukrainian cities destroyed as a result of hostilities in the context of formation of an eco-creative environment
Hanna Tiutiunnyk
Marcroeconomic recovery of post-conflict countries: impact investing for sustainable peace (SDG 16)
Alina Artemenko

Lane 5
Educational Research
Session Leader: Prof. Dr. Irena Kogan
Implementation of Dalton Plan into schooling of EU and the US
Dr. Lolita Vorobiova
Implementation of European experience into the development of the system of lifelong learning in Ukraine
Olha Herasymenko
Financial literacy of young Ukrainians - prospects for research and improvement
Dr. Liudmyla Adariukova / Prof. Maryna Kabanets
Haunted by the War in France
Dr. Olena Kovalchuk

09.09.2022 | 16:30 - 17:30 (German Time) | 17:30 - 18:30 (Ukrainian Time)