Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karina Sopp holds the professorship for General Business Administration, in particular Entrepreneurship and Business Taxation, at the Technical University Mining Academy (Bergakademie) Freiberg since 2019. After acquiring here PhD in 2009 at the University of Saarland and working as university assistant at the Institute of Business Administration at the University of Vienna, where she also habilitated, Sopp held various teaching positions, among others at University of Trier, Donau University Krems, FH Campus Wien and Akademie Deutscher Genossenschaften Montabaur. She also published various publications during that time. From 2015 to 2019 she worked as university lecturer at the Institute of Business Administration at the University of Vienna. Her research focus covers issues in connection with tax compliance and horizontal monitoring as well as sustainability reporting, also in overlap with tax aspects; start-ups by women - consideration of special features and support measures; use of XML/XBRL in the preparation and transmission of tax data and of annual financial statement data; questions of sales taxation with cross-border implications; effects of tax law, including tax subsidies, on the wind energy sector.
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