Dr. Yurii Derevianko
Sumy State University
CV: Yurii Derevianko Docent (comparable to Assistant/Associate Professor) Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management, Sumy State University [ 01/09/2011 – Current ] Sumy, Ukraine Research interests: Time Factor in Economics, Sustainable Development, Resources Constraints, Efficiency Teaching courses: Sustainable Development, Economic Systems Efficiency, Economics of Development, Managerial Economics, Behavioural Economics, Regional Economics Candidate of economic sciences (PhD comparable) by speciality 08.00.04 “Economics and Management of Enterprise” (2009) The best teacher through the eyes of students (2019 and 2020) Full CV link: https://tinyurl.com/2ryhvstc.
Presentation title: Time Consequence for Business Performance Indicators
Abstract: Calculating and analysing business performance indicators seemed to be a relatively routine matter. However, as we know, there is never anything classic and stable in business because crises are repeated, and the company always desires to be at the forefront of fighting and preventing crises. Our proposal on this path is to take into account the effect of the time factor more deeply than before. Of course, time is always an attendant indicator of performance measurement. However, we would like to make it (time) the main one, and other business indicators - auxiliary for business decision-making. In general, we propose to develop a complex assessment of the time use in business. This method is based on standard financial reports, such as a company's balance sheet for convenience and the need for minimal changes in business reports. For example, we offer a detailed time estimation of the cost of the firm's debt. The essence is a graphic and indicative time assessment of the debt. This method allows the company to manage debts more flexibly and quickly anticipate the onset of the crisis. The basic idea is a debt time-shot for business performance indicators.