Vivian Carstensen obtained her doctorate and habilitation at Leibniz University of Hannover. After research stays at the Management Centre (Bradford) and London Business School in the UK, Modena University in Italy and CREST/INSEE in France, she received her professorship in 2003. Since 2007, she is professor of economics at the Faculty of Business (Bielefeld School of Business) at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and a member of the Center for Health, Social Affairs and Technology (CareTech OWL), where she serves as head of panel studies since 2021. Her research interests include labor markets, immigration economics, diversity, and education economics. In current research projects, Vivian Carstensen is investigating the impact of increasing digitalization in the health sector on care workers’ jobs, satisfaction and turnover. She is also putting forward transdisciplinary research to develop innovative employee-employer panel data resources. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) appointed her as an expert panel member in one of its international programs.