Birgit Glorius is a full professor for human geography with focus on European migration research at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. Her research interests and majority of publications are in the fields of international migration, social geographies of rural regions and geographies of knowledge. During the last decade, she intensively worked in the area of European mobility, educational and labour migration, as well as in the field of forced migration, asylum politics, and integration. She was lead partner of the H2020 project CEASEVAL, researching European asylum politics, and is currently leading a project on the integration of refugees in small towns and rural regions in Germany, focusing on the role of the receiving society. She is frequently cited as migration and migration policy expert in German and international media and serves as head of the advisory board to the research department of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Also, she is a member of the European research network IMISCOE and the International Geographical Union. Birgits publication list comprise more than 130 books, edited volumes and journal articles.