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Chance for Science Conference 2022

Conference for academics affected by the war in Ukraine


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April 22, 2022

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Speak & Connect

Are you a student, academic or scholar affected by the war in Ukraine and are you looking for an opportunity to continue your study, research project or scientific work? Do you want to share your research data and scientific expertise and build up a network within your discipline? Do you want to connect with other students, academics and scholars and find out more about research funding opportunities here in Germany? Sign up to speak and participate in the Chance for Science Conference 2022!

Listen & Connect

Are you an academic, practitioner, business representative or member of a research institution in Germany and looking to get in touch with academics and scholars affected by the war in Ukraine? Do you want to extend your network of experts in your discipline and connect with scholars from abroad? Sign up to participate in the Chance for Science Conference 2022!




Presentation Files & Videos

Please find the videos of the conference's presentations on our agenda-site by clicking on the - Button.







Dr. Maksym Vakulenko

Dr. Maksym Vakulenko Linguist Postdoc Institute of Problems of Artificial Intelligence CV: Scientific Secretary of…

Dr. Vasyl Namoniuk

Dr. Vasyl Namoniuk International Economics Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv CV: Vasyl Namoniuk…

Oleksandr Shynkarenko

Oleksandr Shynkarenko is CEO of the company Mezon-Electrocable, a supplier of cable and wire products,…

Yuliia Kremin

Yuliia Kremin Pharmacy Ph.D. Student Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University CV: Yullia Kremin graduated…

Dr. Svitlana Tarasenko

Dr. Svitlana Tarasenko is a postdoc researcher at Sumy State University, Ukraine. From 2020 to…

Maksym Bobrov

Maksym Bobrov is a PhD candidate and assistant at the Department of Material Science and…

Vitalii Naida

Vitalii Naida Law, Police other Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Dr. Daniel Reiche

Dr. Daniel Reiche Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institute of Physics CV:…

Dr. Iuliia Gernego

Dr. Iuliia Gernego Finance Postdoc Kyiv National University named after Vadym Hetman CV: Iuliia Gernego…

Oksana Kobzar

Oksana Kobzar Pharmacy Ph.D. Student Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine

Prof. Dr. Basheer Younis

Prof. Dr. Basheer Younis Strength of Aircraft Department Professor National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Oleksandra Zolotarevych

Oleksandra Zolotarevych National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Student Computer Science

Friederike Lübbert

Friederike Lübbert is a law student at University of Leipzig with a special focus on…

Dr. Oksana Seumenicht

Dr. Oksana Seumenicht graduated in Nuclear Physics with honors from the Taras Shevchenko National University…

Prof. Dr. Zinaida Klestova

Prof. Dr. Zinaida Klestova Professor The State Scientific-Control Institute of Biotechnology and Strains of Microorganisms,…

Dr. Igor Bychko

Dr. Igor Bychko L. V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry Postdoc Chemistry, Catalysis, Chemical kinetics

Prof. Dr. Nina Chala

Prof. Dr. Nina Chala is the Head of the Research Center for Analytics and Business…

Dr. Loudmyla Fihurska

Dr. Loudmyla Fihurska Odesa National Academy of Food Technolgies Professor Animal Feed technologies

Dr. Vitalii Opryshko


Dr. Sofia Korol'

Dr. Sofia Korol' Art History Professor The Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Science…

Prof. Dr. Anja Geigenmüller

Professor Dr. Anja Geigenmüller is full professor of marketing at Ilmenau University of Technology. She…

Volodymyr Stasov

Volodymyr Stasov Energy efficiency and computer chemical engineering student National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute",…

Viktoriia Turani

Viktoriia Turani International Economics Student Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine

Kyrylo Fedorenko

Kyrylo Fedorenko Road building Student National Transport University

Dr. Iryna Levchyk

Dr. Iryna Levchyk, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Foreign Languages Department 2 Kryvonosa str.,…

Olena Bogdanova

Olena Bogdanova Silversmith, Decorative Art, Art History Ph.D. student Lviv National Academy of Arts CV:…

Dr. Stephanie Finzel

Dr. Stephanie Finzel heads the Clinical Trials Unit Rheumatology as a Senior Attending Physician and…

Dr. Oleksandr Volf

Dr. Oleksandr Volf Politology, Social Work, Palliatve & Hospice Care Postdoc National Healthcare University, All-Ukrainian…

Illia Shakun

Illia Shakun Student Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Physics

Prof. Dr. Tetiana Shkoda

Prof. Dr. Tetiana Shkoda Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Professor Kyiv National Economic University named after…

Oleh Smysh

Oleh Smysh National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy & Institute of Software Systems of NAS of…

Dmytro Bondarenko

Dmytro Bondarenko University of Szeged Ph.D. student History

Prof. Dr. Iuliia Pavlova

Prof. Dr. Iuliia Pavlova Professor (2020), Doctor of Science in Physical Education and Sports (2017),…

Prof. Dr. Oksana Kushnirenko

Prof. Dr. Oksana Kushnirenko Innovative industrial development, development of global value chains, industrial application of…

Dr. Thomas Fischer

Dr. Thomas Fischer is a senior scientist at the Chair of Inorganic and Materials Chemistry,…

Diana Yarova

Diana Yarova Law Student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv CV: EDUCATION 2020-until now Taras…

Prof. Dr. Mykola Savrasov

Prof. Dr. Mykola Savrasov Donbass State Pedagogical University Professor Psychology

Prof. Dr. Michael Brach

Prof. Dr. Michael Brach Sport Science Human Movement Science University of Münster, Institute of Sport…

Anna Matskevych

Matskevych Ph.D. student Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named Academic Olena M. Lukyanova of…

Andrew Valchuk

Andrew Valchuk Odessa State Academy of Building and Architecture Architect Architecture

Dr. Olga Voropai

Dr. Olga Voropai Marketing and Business Management Associate Professor National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy…

Prof. Dr. Carmen Bachmann

Prof. Dr. Carmen Bachmann is a full professor for Business Administration and Taxation at the…

Dr. Alina Mozolevska

Dr. Alina Mozolevska Philology Postdoc Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University CV: Alina Mozolevska is…

Prof. Dr. Annett Lotzin

Prof. Dr. Annett Lotzin is full professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at MSH Medical…

Dr. Anastasiya Babintseva

Dr. Anastasiya Babintseva Bukovinian State Medical University Postdoc Medicine

Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann

Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann Computer Science Universität Hamburg

Kateryna Svyrydova

Kateryna Svyrydova Biology, molecular biology Ph.D. student Taras Shevchenko National university of Kyiv, Ukraine

Dr. Liudmyla Adariukova

Dr. Liudmyla Adariukova Philology, Pedagogy Postdoc Donetsk national technical university

Dr. Mariia Koteliukh

Dr. Mariia Koteliukh PhD and postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Academician L.T. Malaya Department…

Prof. Dr. Jochen Gläser

Prof. Dr. Jochen Gläser is Professor of Social Studies of Science and Technology at the…

Yevheniia Husak

Yevheniia Husak Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice,…

Dr. Oksana Yarema

Dr. Oksana Yarema Philology Ternopil V. Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Dr. Hanna Doroshuk

Dr. Hanna Doroshuk Management and Business Economy Postdoc Odesa State Polytechnic University CV: Hanna Dororshuk…

Philipp Brüggemann

Philipp Brüggemann Doctoral Researcher University of Hagen CV: Philipp Brüggemann studied Business Administration in Münster…

Andriy Prykhodko

Andriy Prykhodko Physics Student Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University CV: I am Prykhodko Andriy, a second-year…

Dr. Olha Ladyka

Dr. Olha Ladyka Philology Ternopil V. Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Oleksii Solntsev

Oleksii Solntsev National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Ph.D. student Mechanical…

Dr. Iryna Chen

Dr. Iryna Chen Lecturer of Department of General Biology and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences,…

Dr. Veronika Zhiteneva

Dr. Veronika Zhiteneva is an environmental engineer specializing in water and wastewater treatment. She obtained…

Johannes Gebhardt

Johannes Gebhardt is Ph.D. student at Carmen Bachmann's chair for Business Taxation, Leipzig University. After his…

Vasyl Karpiv

Vasyl Karpiv Art, Restoration of Works of Art, Art History Ph.D. student Lviv National Academy…

Dr. Jennifer Strehse

Dr. Jennifer Strehse is a postdoc researcher at the University Medical School Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. She…

Edvaldo Begotaraj

Edvaldo Begotaraj, PhD in Dynamic and Clinical Psychology completed his professional and psychological education at…

Prof. Dr. Martin van Gelderen

Prof. Dr. Martin van Gelderen About: I started my career in what was still West-Berlin,…

Dr. Bohdan Hrushetskyi

Dr. Bohdan Hrushetskyi History, International Relations Associate Professor National University of Life and Environmental Sciences…

Sedona Hoppe-Brosse

Sedona Hoppe-Brosse is a project assistant at the International Organization for Migration, based in Berlin. She…

Prof. Dr. Marcus Brandenburg

Prof. Dr. Marcus Brandenburg is Professor for Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Flensburg University…

Kateryna Borysova

Kateryna Borysova Chemistry Student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv/L. V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical…

Victoria Knapp

Victoria Knapp is a bachelor’s student in International Relations at the University of York, currently…

Dr. Olena Shevchenko

Dr. Olena Shevchenko Donetsk National Medical University (Kramatorsk) Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Dr. Jan Fiedler

Jan Fiedler studied biochemistry at the University of Bayreuth in between 2001 to 2006. His…

Prof. Dr. Gunther Schnabl

Prof. Dr. Gunther Schnabl Economic Policy and International Economics Professor Leipzig University CV: Gunther Schnabl is…

Dr. Natalia Trufanova

Dr. Natalia Trufanova Biology Postdoc Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of National Academy…

Dr. Svitlana Ilinich

Dr. Svitlana Ilinich Open International University of Human Development Ukraine Postdoc Social Work, Linguistics, Psychology

Dr. Volodymyr Gritsyuk

Dr. Volodymyr Gritsyuk is Associate Professor of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Department of…

Dr. Olena Iaburova

Dr. Olena Iaburova Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ukraine Postdoc Humanitarian subjects, linguist

Prof. Dr. Alfonso de Toro

Prof. Dr. Alfonso de Toro Prof. Dr. Alfonso de Toro, Romanist seit 2015 Emeritus/Angehöriger U.…

Dr. Olga Polotska

Dr. Olga Polotska is Executive Director of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) and…


  • Students, academics and scholars from all disciplines
  • Students, academics and scholars that are interested in presenting their research or knowledge
  • Participate from wherever you are


  • Data, topics, sections from research papers
  • Doctoral or master's dissertations
  • Current research projects
  • Present yourself and your research, knowledge and academic expertise
  • Short presentations of 10 minutes
  • Directly get in touch with other participants and speakers in breakout-sessions
  • Hear about funding opportunities for students, researchers and scientists here in Germany

When & Where?

  • Friday, April 22, 2022 (agenda will be updated soon)
  • Online on Zoom
  • Presentations will be streamed live on YouTube

Sedona Hoppe-Brosse

Sedona Hoppe-Brosse is a project assistant at the International Organization for Migration, based in Berlin. She pursued her bachelor’s degree in Global Public Health at the University of Virginia, and after living in Jordan for 9 months, she decided to commit her career to alleviating the many challenges refugees face pre- and post- migration. She thereafter pursued her master’s in Public Policy at Sciences Po, where she gained expertise on social policy and innovation to work towards reforming migration policy in the EU.

Victoria Knapp

Victoria Knapp is a bachelor’s student in International Relations at the University of York, currently working at a pharma company in London. She has previous experience volunteering at Amnesty International in Leipzig and has been interested in human rights of refugees ever since.